2011-05-08 - Catoctin Trail


~6 miles @ ~21 min/mi

Happy Mother's Day! At 5am Gayatri Datta and I meet Caren Jew at "Drop Zone X-Ray" aka the Exit 10 parking lot from I-270. Caren drives us out to the Hamburg Rd crossing of the Catoctin Trail. The old left hamstring twinges as I start running. Our path includes multiple water crossings (Gaytri and I tip-toe; Caren runs through) and a cluster of bright ladies slipper flowers, which for a change I'm the one who notices by the trail. Caren takes photos with her cellphone. Two brightly-clad men ahead of us turn out to be Mike, a 19-time JFK 50 Mile streaker, and Jim Treece, race director of the Catoctin 100 Mile race. We chat about possibly being pacers there next year. Back at Drop Zone X-Ray goslings and a groundhog watch traffic at the freeway onramp.

(cf. trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-05-20